

SUSTAINABLE SITE DESIGN focuses on the importance to create and sustain a

high quality of community values and environmental responsibility in the design and

construction of infrastructure and landscape. This course concentrates on

environmental quality standard in site planning through water conservation, storm

water management and landscape management. Under this direction, quantity and

quality control system in storm water management will be considered in conjunction

with landscape planning to produce a sustainable site design.


ENGINEERING ECONOMICS equips students with basic concept of time value of

money and methods for alternative and investment evaluation. It covers the definition

and scope of engineering economics, concept of time value of money, present

equivalent value, annual value, internal rate of return, payback method, profitability

index method, inflation, depreciation and company taxation. The course provides the

knowledge in conducting analysis and decision making for alternative project selection

or investment evaluation using economic criteria.

  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.

BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING (BIM) is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a project lifecycle of a building construction. The fundamentals, theory and concept in this course builds upon the BIM concepts introduced in Civil Engineering and illustrates how BIM modelling tools are used to design, analyze, and model building systems including structural, mechanical, electrical & plumbing (MEP). This course is a theory and concept of BIM and a project-based where students gain knowledge and skills on the implementation of BIM concepts from planning to design stage.


HYDROLOGY on applications in engineering particularly related to water

resources. Hydrological aspects will be introduced and discussed and it is related to

the understanding of hydrological processes. These processes are precipitation,

evaporation, and transpiration, surface run off, ground water flow, infiltration and

interception. Some of these processes will be discussed in detail together with the

basic analysis and concept design in accordance to Urban Storm Water Management

Manual for Malaysia (MASMA). Upon completion of the course, students are

expected to be able to describe and assess all the physical processes found in the

hydrologic cycle together with the basic hydrologic analysis methods.


GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING is a compulsory course for civil engineering technology students. The content of this course provides them with in depth understanding and exposure of the laboratory practical. It covers basic soil properties which, consist of soil composition, soil classification and soil compaction. Besides that, it also discusses water in soil, soil shear strength, stresses in soils, compressibility and consolidation of soils and slope stability. This topic is important to civil engineers where most of the problems that occur at site will involve geotechnical and soil mechanics. At the end of this course, students will be able to apply their knowledge of basic soil properties, water in soil and shear strength parameters in the planning, analysis, design and supervision of related geotechnical works.


ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT provides knowledge of water, air and noise

pollution. This course also provides knowledge on solid waste and hazardous waste

management. Students will also be given the knowledge of environmental law in

Malaysia, the management of the environment for sustainable development and

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) method in planning activities. The students

will learn to relate and apply the Environmental Quality Act (127) 1974 and the

amendments, to control pollution with resource conservation and energy recovery

using assessment tools in EIA.


ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST IN SOCIETY course looks into the role of engineering technologist in nation building, evaluation of engineering technologist, role of engineering technologist in society, laws related to public safety, health & wellbeing of the community and environment, future engineering technologist, professionalism and codes of conduct, engineering technologist as a profession, ethical theories, BEM code of professional conduct. Topics covered also include ethical problem solving techniques, analysis of issues in ethical problems, line drawing, flow charting, handling of conflicting problems, acceptance of benefits and compensation, ethical practice in Occupational Safety and Health at work, rights and responsibilities of engineering technologist in promoting sustainable development for the economy, society and environment, career guidance and project management.